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We are a Powerful Force

By DemAdmin - Posted on 28 September 2012

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Alicia Keys was in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to help re-elect President Obama. She shares what's at stake for women in this election and what you can do to get involved to make sure President Obama is re-elected in November.

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[ALICIA KEYS]: Philly is an incredible place, and so there's nowhere else I would rather be to help reelect our president.

There's such a crazy power that's rumbling for this election, and you can really feel it, so I really want to just figure out all the ways I can continue to make that rumble louder.

Are you excited to vote?
Yes. It's my first time. I'm excited.

[ALICIA KEYS]: So what an incredible time this is. It's going to be a close election, and each and every one of us has to play our part. And as the president always says, grassroots organizing is definitely the heart and soul of this campaign.

I wanted to see where the real work was happening. And I know it's happening right here! This is where the real things are going down!
Our voices are extremely critical. I really believe that the more we can reach out to each other and really have conversations, you know, hey, here's what I believe in and here's why it's important to me, and you'll be so surprised by how many people you can inspire.

All of our lives are very busy, we all have many things that we're trying to handle and to take care of, but to be thinking about a greater reason than just our own selves and to continuously fight for what we know is the right thing and who we know is the right man to run the country.

Education and healthcare and women are really really a priority. And I believe that it's an action that is shown, that is something bigger than talk.

I don't think that anyone in this room is surprised by President Obama's record on women's issues. He was raised by such a powerful woman, he married a powerful woman and now he's raising two powerful women, so he definitely gets it. So now it's our turn to thank him by voting for President Obama in November. We are a powerful force, and when powerful women get together…


There's nothing else that's more important right now. This is absolutely our time to control the future, to be part of a bigger, greater victory. So go to, find out what you can do in your neighborhood, in your community. It's really simple. It's an easy thing to do and you feel really empowered. You feel like I was a part of something incredible.
