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A Very Quick Look at President Obama's First Term

By DemAdmin - Posted on 28 October 2012

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A very quick look at President Obama's first term.
Read President Obama's plan: http://OFA.BO/g4aFzA

[JOHN MOSCHITTA]: Election is day is right around the corner  Which means there is no time to waste

There is only days, hours, minutes, seconds and nanoseconds to make sure that everyone you know knows everything President Obama has done for our country.

You know he took office in the middle of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

He signed the Recovery act, that’s the act that would get the economy back on track.

And guess what? It added back millions of jobs.

Speaking of work, he signed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Restoration Act because equal work should get equal pay.

He signed the Affordable Care Act, so you don’t have to act like what is best for the insurance companies is what is best for you.

Just ask the 3.1 million more Young Adults who have insurance.

The 3.5 million seniors and people with disabilities in the Medicare doughnut hole who now have help.

And 17 million kids with pre-existing conditions who can’t be denied coverage.

You can’t deny that is a pretty big deal.  And that’s not the only reform.

We got Wall Street Reform, Credit Card Reform, Student Loan Reform.

He doubled funding for Pell grants by ending subsidies to big banks.

So you can get some major bang for your buck when it comes to college: community colleges, historically black colleges and universities.

He expanded a post 9/11 GI bill to send more veterans to go to college if they want to go  If you are fighting for your country, you should not have to fight to get the training you need to get a job.

He ended the war in Iraq and we all know what happen to Osama Bin Laden

Under President Obama, the Private Sector added new jobs including the first increase in manufacturing jobs since 1997.

Talk about creating an economy that is built to last and everyone pays their fair share.

And anyone who works hard has a shot at success.

Did I mention that he rescued the auto industry?  Save more than a million jobs  Turnaround things for the Automakers so that they are profitable for the first time in years.

He developed historic fuel efficiency standards, That means clean skies, reduce our oil and increase the fuel economy of our countries auto fleet to 54.5 miles per gallon, and it saved families $8200 at the pump per vehicle
And he cut taxes for working class families, so they save $1,000 dollars this year to spend on things like groceries, gas whatever.

President Obama did all of this in less than four years.

And I got to get the word out and no matter how fast I go I can’t do it alone And I am counting on you to help

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Get the facts, share the facts and make sure everyone you know knows why you are voting for President Obama.

Because if this is what this guy can do in four years, imagine what he can do in twice the time.