You are hereObama Song - Michael Franti and Spearhead

Obama Song - Michael Franti and Spearhead

By DemAdmin - Posted on 21 December 2008

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Michael Franti and Spearhead launched the new music video for the OBAMA SONG conceptualized by Angie Seegers and directed by Carla Swanson

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In the real world, there are only two ways to deal with corporate misbehavior: One is through government regulation and the other is by taking them to court. What has happened over 20 years of free-market proselytizing is that we have dangerously weakened both forms of restraint, first through the craze for "deregulation" and second through endless rounds of "tort reform," all of which have the effect of cutting off citizens' access to the courts.  By legally bribing politicians with campaign contributions, the corporations have bought themselves immunity from lawsuits on many levels.
