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La Verdad

By DemAdmin - Posted on 22 August 2012

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Voiceover: "Esta elección presidencial es crucial para nuestro futuro. Cada votante Latino debe saber la verdad sobre los candidatos. Y esta es la verdad sobre Mitt Romney. Ha prometido eliminar la nueva ley de salud y el acceso a un seguro medico para millones de Latinos."

Romney: "If I'm President, I will repeal Obamacare and I'll kill it dead on its first day."

Voiceover: "Romney se opone a ayudar a las familias que están a punto de perder sus casas por la crisis hipotecaria."

Romney: "...don't try to stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom."

Voiceover: "Romney esta en contra del DREAM Act y apoya la ley de Arizona que le ha hecho daño a la calidad de vida de inmigrantes Latinoamericanos."

Romney: "The question is if I were elected and Congress were to pass the DREAM Act would I veto it? And the answer is YES."

Voiceover: "La verdad es la verdad. Mitt Romney no le conviene a la comunidad Latina de Estados Unidos."

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There are too many folks in politics just trying to get attention or trying to get rich or both. There are folks like Ted Cruz who just carry on and on about what they want you to be afraid of and who they want you to hate. We need leaders who are FOR something, people who will take the reins and guide us toward solutions.