You are hereChampions of Change: School Turnaround Leaders

Champions of Change: School Turnaround Leaders

By DemAdmin - Posted on 27 August 2012

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The White House welcomes more than 100 state, district, and school leaders and educators from 45 states, the District of Columbia, the Bureau of Indian Education, Puerto Rico, and America Samoa, for a briefing on the transformative efforts underway in struggling schools nationwide through the federal School Improvement Grants (SIG) program, and honors 12 leaders as Champions of Change. August 21, 2012.

Favorite Quotes

"Anyone with (Cynthia) Dunbar's animus toward public schools should never be in charge of them or have an important voice on what is in our students' textbooks. It's a travesty that the state's top officials aren't attacking the problems created by this dysfunctional board and demanding that Dunbar step down.

But we will. Dunbar should resign and leave the governing of this state's public schools to people who use them, serve them, care about them and understand that they are the future of Texas."

The Austin American-Statesman (Monday, December 15, 2008), in an editorial calling on far-right member Cynthia Dunbar, R-Richmond, to resign from the State Board of Education.