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"I Believe"

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President Obama: "We're a nation of workers and doers and dreamers. We work hard for what we get. And all we ask for is that our hard work pays off. I believe that the way you grow the economy is from the middle out. I believe in fighting for the middle class because if they're prospering all of us will prosper.


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"Those ads taking my words about small business out of context; they're flat out wrong. Of course Americans build their own business. Everyday hard-working people sacrifice to meet a payroll, create jobs, and make our economy run. And what I said was that we need to stand behind them as America always has. By investing in education, training, roads and bridges, research and technology.

"The Choice"

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"Over the next four months you have a choice to make. Not just between two political parties or even two people. It's a choice between two very different plans for our country.

Governor Romney's plan would cut taxes for the folks at the very top, roll back regulations on big banks, and he says that if we do our economy will grow and everyone will benefit.

But you know what? We tried that top-down approach. It's what caused the mess in the first place.

I believe the only way to create an economy built to last is to strengthen the middle class. Asking the wealthy to pay a little more so we can pay down our debt in a balanced way. So that we can afford to invest in education, manufacturing, and homegrown American energy for good middle class jobs. Sometimes politics can seem very small. But the choice you face, it couldn't be bigger."

Read the President's Plan: http://OFA.BO/MX3Ss8

Welcoming Home Our Veterans

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Since day one, President Obama has made it a priority to keep the sacred trust we hold with those who wear the uniform of the United States and their families.

Educators for Obama

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Teachers and educational professionals from across the country are coming together to support the President. In this video, educators share why education is important and why they stand with President Obama.

Join Educators for Obama:

Weekly Address: Congress Must Act to Keep our Teachers on the Job

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In this week's address, President Obama urges Congress to take action now to put our teachers back to work in classrooms, because the best predictor of individual and American success in this economy is a good education.

I Can Speak

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am nothing.
I was a teacher of special needs children, so I can speak of the power and magic of education.
I have been married for 42 years so I can speak to President Obama's commitment to marriage equality.
I am a small business owner so I can speak to the Presidents jobs plan.
I held my 25 year old son in my arms as he died of cancer, uninsured.
I can speak to the financial devastation to families even aside from their unimaginable emotional devastation before the Affordable Health Care Act. I can speak.
It is not Obamacare. It is Obama Cares.
By choice, I live in the most racially diverse county in this state so I can speak to the Voter Rights Act.
I can speak because I have charity and love. And, like ALL Democrats, that makes me something.

Texas Democratic Convention - June 8, 2012

Higher Education

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His mother got him up before dawn to do school work she knew what it meant for his future. With hard work and student aid his life was transformed. Today higher education means even more for the middle class. Giving young people the chance to compete, like he did. So he doubled funding for college grants, capped federal student loan payments, passed the largest college tax credit ever.

The President and First Lady Announce the 2012 Launch of Veterans and Military Families for Obama

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 President Obama: "The most humbling part of my job is serving is serving as Commander in Chief of the world's finest military. And there's nothing I take more seriously than my responsibility to those who sacrifice their own safety to defend ours. That's why Michelle and I have made supporting veterans and military families a top priority from the start."

Favorite Quotes

"We do not weep for him today because of the prestige attached to his name or his office. We weep because we loved this kind and tender hero who persevered through pain and tragedy, not for the sake of ambition or vanity, not for wealth or power, but only for the people and the country he loved."  from the eulogy for Senator Edward (Ted) Kennedy