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Houston, Texas
Election Day Voting Locations - 2012 General Election - Fort Bend County Texas
Election Day Voting Locations Lookup Tool.
Enter your address and find your polling location for the 2012 General Election on Tuesday, November 6, 2012.
Paul Sadler's "We Are the People of Texas" Speech
Paul Sadler's address to the 2012 Texas State Democratic Convention in Houston, Texas.
Let's Get it Done! Rally
Join hundreds of Houstonians as they speak out in favor of National Health Care Reform. Participating organizations include: Organizing for America, HCAN, ACORN, AFL- CIO, The Harris County Democratic Party, Houston Federation of Teachers, SEIU HOPE, SEIU Justice for Janitors.
Time: Thursday, September 3 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: Steps of Houston City Hall
900 Smith Street Houston, TX 77002
Texas Obama Offices

It seems that a lot of people have been coming to the Fort Bend Democrats website looking for the location of the Texas Barack Obama campaign headquarters. According to the website, there are two Texas offices. One in Austin, and one just up the Southwest freeway in Houston:
Houston Obama Headquarters
3710 Travis St.
Houston, TX 77002
House Subcommittee on Energy & Environment Hosts Field Hearing in Houston
Obama Volunteer Office Opening This Saturday in Houston
As a public service to those of us Democrats who are interested in the Barack Obama campaign, today we have received from the Barack Obama for President Campaign news of the grand opening of their Houston Area volunteer headquarters, two days after Super Tuesday. Now that was fast, wasn't it? Check out their press release below. Some of the information below can also be found at the campaign website, here.
Houston Enters 21st Century with METRO'S Decision on 2012 Urban Transit Lines!
Since 2006, METRO has been working with the community to determine the best alignment for the University light rail line which stirred much controversy concerning the segment along the Richmond Corridor. Today the decision was made!