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Sarah Palin Book Signing - Interviews with Supporters

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On November 20, 2009, Sarah Palin visited Columbus, OH as part of her book signing tour for "Going Rogue." When her supporters were asked broad questions about why they thought she should be president, the responses were vague: She's "real." She'll "stick up for America."

Response to Rep. John Boehner: I'm an American, and I support a Public Option

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On October 1, 2009, House Minority Leader John Boehner said in a press availability, "I'm still trying to find the first American to talk to who's in favor of the public option, other than a member of Congress or the administration...

September 2009 DC Teabagger Party - Interview B-Roll

See video
Some interview footage that didn't make it in our original September 2009 DC Teabagger Party film, linked here:
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Produced and edited by Chase Whiteside (interviews) and Erick Stoll (camera). DONATE: Our films are free to watch, but costly to produce. Every contribution helps to keep us online.

September 2009 - DC TEA PARTY - March Footage with Interviews

See video

On 9.12.2009, we went to Washington DC to document the Tea Party protests against, well, a lot of things, including health insurance reform, the IRS, abortion, global warming, and our "socialist/communist/fascist/Nazi/Muslim" president, Barack Obama.

News & Politics Videos from YouTube

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