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Fired Up and Ready to Go in Denver, Colorado - President Obama's America Forward! Tour

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Follow the America Forward! Tour on Tumblr: http://OFA.BO/SKxZuK The President walks out and fires up the crowd in Denver, Colorado. President Obama is on a two-day, non-stop "America Forward!" tour with grassroots events in Iowa, Colorado and Nevada. On Thursday President Obama will continue the tour with grassroots events in Florida, Virginia and Ohio.

James Came from Georgia

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Come to Florida to volunteer: http://OFA.BO/Efx5XR

James lives in Georgia, but he drove to Florida last weekend to knock on doors for President Obama. He shares why he's volunteering in Florida:

President Obama: "I'm Making a Plan to Vote Early."

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President Obama is making a plan to vote early. Voting early is easy and only takes a couple minutes. Early voting and voting by mail have started in many states and for all the information you need to vote, go to http://OFA.BO/DbHbWV

President Obama's America Forward! Tour - Full Speech from Denver, Colorado

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President Obama is on a two-day, non-stop "America Forward!" tour with grassroots events in Iowa, Colorado and Nevada. On Thursday President Obama will continue the tour with grassroots events in Florida, Virginia and Ohio.

The "America Forward!" tour will crisscross the nation, reaching as many voters as possible about the critical choice in this election -- moving America forward toward an economy built to last with a strong middle class versus going back to the same policies that crashed our economy in the first place.

Nicholas: "We're Definitely Going to Win Colorado" - President Obama's America Forward! Tour

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Follow the America Forward! Tour on Tumblr: http://OFA.BO/SKxZuK President Obama is on a two-day, non-stop "America Forward!" tour with grassroots events in Iowa, Colorado and Nevada.

President Obama: Great Crowds, Early Voting and Finishing Strong - America Forward! Tour in Denver

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President Obama is on a two-day, non-stop "America Forward!" tour with grassroots events in Iowa, Colorado and Nevada. On Thursday President Obama will continue the tour with grassroots events in Florida, Virginia and Ohio.

The Crowd in Denver - President Obama's America Forward! Tour

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President Obama is on a two-day, non-stop "America Forward!" tour with grassroots events in Iowa, Colorado and Nevada. On Thursday President Obama will continue the tour with grassroots events in Florida, Virginia and Ohio.

Tiffany from Denver, Colorado: "Everybody Needs to Go Out and Vote for President Obama Today."

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Tiffany, a graduate student at the University of Colorado in Denver, shares why everybody needs to go out and vote for President Obama today.

President Obama is on a two-day, non-stop "America Forward!" tour with grassroots events in Iowa, Colorado and Nevada. On Thursday President Obama will continue the tour with grassroots events in Florida, Virginia and Ohio.

He's Got it Right

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President Bill Clinton: "The stuff some folks are saying about President Obama sound kind of familiar. The same people said my ideas destroyed jobs—they called me every name in the book."

"Well we created 22 million new jobs and turned deficits into surpluses."

El Voto Es Critíco

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Cristina Saralegui: "¿Por qué es tan importante que los latinos voten en estas elecciones?"

First Lady Michele Obama: Hay tanto que esta en juego. La reforma migratoria. Asegurando que no nos eliminen acceso a un seguro medico. Educación - asegurando que cada niño en este país tenga acceso a las mejores escuelas. Son tantas, tantas cosas y es por eso que el voto es crítico.

Favorite Quotes

So, President Obama and the Democrats did not weaken Medicare. They strengthened Medicare. When Congressman Ryan looked into that TV camera and attacked President Obama's Medicare savings as "the biggest, coldest power play," I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Key cuts that $716 billion is exactly to the dollar the same amount of medicare savings that he had in his own budget.

Democratic National Convention, September 5, 2012