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If You´re Voting for Mitt Romney You Will Love The Video!

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Tough Fight between Mitt Romney and his bigest ideological oponent Mitt Romney From 4 Years Ago!

Overview Video of Mitt Romney's Flip Flops

Mitt Romney on Immigration

Hateful Attack on Republican Fahra Ahmed

Shame on the Fort Bend Republican Chairman, Rick Miller, and every other elected official in Sugar Land or Fort Bend…  A scurrilous attack via e-mail and mailed flyer has been put out attacking Farha Ahmed who is in a run off for a seat on the Sugar Land City Council. The e-mail and flyer cleverly insinuates that Ahmed is a Muslim extremist...

...I've known her for many years and became familiar with her mostly through her work with the Fort Bend Republican Party. So the idea being promoted that she is a terrorist is not only laughable, it is unconscionable.

...It is amazing to me that a press release or even a Facebook entry has not been posted denouncing the people behind the hate campaign against Farha Ahmed by not only her political opponent, but her political party, or any other member of the Sugar Land City Council. What’s wrong with you people?