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Stop a Bush War with Iran

By David - Posted on 03 December 2007

Help me stop Bush from starting another war with Iran

Hi, President Bush may be on his way out, but if we don't pay attention, his last action could be starting another war with Iran. We definitely don't need the President who made such a mess in Iraq opening up another front in the Middle East.

Without a clear line in the sand, Bush's reckless actions could start a war before we have a chance to weigh our options. That's why Congress has to step up and pass a bill making it crystal clear that Bush does not have the authority to go to war with Iran.

There are bills in Congress that say just that, but our reps need to hear from us to move forward. I just signed this petition asking Congress to stop another Bush war before it starts. Can you join me?

Click to sign: Stop a Bush War with Iran


Learn more:

  1. "Shifting Targets: The Administration's plan for Iran," The New Yorker, October 8, 2007.
  2. "US ex-generals reject Iran strike," BBC News, February 4, 2007.
  3. "Cheney urging strikes on Iran," McClatchy News Service, August 9, 2007.

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