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Sliding Blisters

By Juanita - Posted on 28 November 2007

I completely understand that there are people in the world who do not spend time checking at to see if Tom has found gainful employment since his resignation from Congress, embarrassing book sales, and total failure on the pro golf tour.

Just when you thought Tom was in a hole so deep that he has to strain rice out of the water, bless his heart, he’s gone deeper. In fact, he’s got sliding blisters on his butt.

Scamper on over and take a look at this at Okay, I’ll save you the trip; here’s what it says in REAL BIG LETTERS --- is making room for upgrades and a new announcement! Please check back soon for details.

That’s nice. I’m happy for the fella. If anybody in this world needs upgrades, it’s Tom.

But check the date on the REAL BIG upgrades and announcements.

Posted on Thursday, October 18, 2007 at 02:41PM

That’s what we in Texas call “a while back.” Today is November 29th.

If Tom’s website has committed suicide, I think it’s time to notify the proper authorities. I have no idea who that would be, but it’s not me.

If the site molds around for two more days, they’ll have to file an environmental impact study just to keep the lights on.

Poor Ole Tom now has a string of failures as long as the tracks on the Union Pacific. He’s running out of money for his lawyers so I suspect he’ll be in the market for one of those court-appointed writ twits.

You know, I hate to admit it, but that would make me smile.