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Senatorial District/County Convention Results
Final results of the three Fort Bend County conventions will eventually appear here as the results become known. Here is what we have so far from what we know, and what we have gleaned from the internets.
Fort Bend County / SD 13:
From the Burnt Orange Report compilation, state convention delegate breakdown is as follows 0 delegates for Hillary Clinton, 58 delegates for Barack Obama. These figures await verification. Fort Bend / SD 13 sends 58 delegates to the state convention.
Fort Bend County / SD 17:
Total Delegates Seated: 552
For Barack Obama: 376 (69.24%)
For Hillary Clinton: 167 (30.75%)
Uncommitted: 9
SD 17 sends 64 delegates to the state convention. Of those, 44 will be delegates for Obama (68.75%), 20 will be delegates for Clinton (31.25%).
In addition, SD17 sends 19 "At Large" delegates. Based on the results of precinct delegates chosen, 16 of them will be for Clinton (84,21%) and 3 will be for Obama (15.79%).
Fort Bend County / SD 18:
Total delegate votes cast: 630
For Barack Obama: 414
For Hillary Clinton: 215
State convention delegate breakdown is as follows: 18 delegates for Hillary Clinton, 45 delegates for Barack Obama. 63 state delegates will be sent to Austin from Fort Bend / SD 18
In addition, SD 18 sends 1 superdelegate to Austin for Obama.