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SD 17 Special Election Early Voting Locations Are Up.

By Hal - Posted on 26 November 2008

Well, not up at the county elections office website, anyway. Not yet anyway. But I got a call this evening advising me that the commissioners court was indeed apprised of the voting locations – my previous informer was misinformed by the elections office worker – and it actually appears on yesterday’s agenda, Item 30 on yesterday’s agenda.

On viewing the meeting video, I could see some of the thoughts that went into assigning voting and early voting locations. The county reports that there are 95,000 active voters in Fort Bend County who may vote in the special election. They are spread over 53 precincts, however due to the fact that “customary locations are unavailable due to holiday scheduling” total Election Day voting locations were “clustered down” to 27 locations. So, yes, voters need to know where their polling locations are going to be because maybe half of them will be going to a new location.

For early voting, 4 early voting sites were originally allocated, one in each precinct, but 1st Methodist Church on Eldridge was added yesterday due to anticipated heavy traffic from holiday shoppers who are expected to flock to the nearby Sugar Land mall.

Anyway, here is the list of five, yes you read that correctly, five early voting locations in Fort Bend County for the SD 17 special election.

  • Fort Bend County Rosenberg Annex (that’s right, located in SD 18) 4520 Reading Road Rosenberg [map]
  • Meadow Creek Clubhouse 2410 La Quinta Dr. Missouri City [map]
  • Meadows Place City Hall One Troyan Dr. Meadows Place [map]
  • Sugar Land City Hall 2700 Town Center Blvd North, Sugar Land [map]
  • Sugar Land 1st United Methodist Church 431 Eldridge Rd., Sugar Land [map]

Early voting polls will be open on December 8th until December 12th. Polls will be open between 8 AM until 5 PM Monday through Wednesday, and 7 AM until 7 PM on Thursday and Friday.

Yeah . . . I agree. We effectively have 2 days of early voting for those of us who still have jobs.