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Republican Hypocrisy: Kay Bailey Hutchinson Takes The Cake

By Juanita - Posted on 17 March 2009

It's hard to set the standard on Republican hypocrisy, but Texas Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison has come close.

Hutchison railed against the "pork" in the stimulus package, and then immediately took credit for that same pork when it came to Texas.  

Hutchison stood on the floor of the Senate and spoke out against the 2009 Omnibus Appropriations Bill. She advertised her opposition in a press release that bemoaned the long-term consequences of America’s irresponsible spending and soaring debt obligations.

Then, she dutifully voted against it.

But it passed anyway. And as soon as it did, Hutchinson began taking credit for nearly $54 million in Houston-area pork she helped secure within the $410 billion, pork-filled bill she’d condemned.

It's an amazing thing to see Republicans try to have their cake and eat it, too. 
     Every job that came from the stimulus, every project, every public improvement -- they should all be labeled, "No thanks to Kay Bailey Hutchison."