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Meeting this Saturday!
Our regular meeting will be this Saturday, March 21st, from 10:00 a.m. until noon at the George Memorial Library in Richmond.
We will have copies of the oral history video we made at last month's
meeting. There is absolutely no charge for you to get a copy of the video if
you participated in the taping.
We will have information about which local offices are up
for election in 2010, what the filing fees and qualifications are, and how much
the job pays. We will also give you a packet of information to take back to
your precinct. Mark Bankston, successful political strategist, will be leading this session. If you are thinking about being a candidate or just
interested in volunteering to make your community better, you will not want to
miss this meeting.
We will also be signing a thank you card to President Barack Obama for giving us stem cell research. Another promise kept!
And we will pass a resolution about Gov. Rick Perry rejecting stimulus package unemployment insurance money for Texans. We will also discuss the joint primary idea that was presented at the Party's meeting on Monday night.