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Local Republicans protest against themselves

By Wright N. Justice - Posted on 13 April 2009

A local "Tea Party" is scheduled for April 15th in Sugar Land, organized by a Republican Party Precinct Chair in Sugar Land. In a newspaper ad last week, the organizers urged people to bring tea bags to the Sugar Land Town Square if they have "had enough of entitlement programs, political correctness, taxation, regulations, bailouts, and handouts?"

Political correctness? Regulations? Republicans must like toxins in milk, pesticides in Chinese leather couches, tainted drywall, and salmonella in peanut and pistachio products. This MSNBC excerpt nicely sums up how the Tea Party movement seems to be against everything and for nothing.

Republicans may have forgotten that their formula of "taxcut, borrow and spend" government got us into this mess, but we haven't. Republicans may have forgotten that the bailouts of AIG and the banking industry were Bush administration actions, but we haven't.

There is a delicious irony in seeing Republicans protesting against themselves.
