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Liar-Liar Under Fire

By Elizabeth - Posted on 04 December 2007

Last week, after Rudy Giuliani was busted for lying (on multiple occasions), his advisor said something which I think sums up the GOP/RNC attitude toward the American people just perfectly: “When he talks about New York, people see it,” Mr. Luntz said of Mr. Giuliani, “and they feel it, and if a number isn’t quite right, or is off by a small amount, nobody will care, because it rings true to them.”

That’s pretty much it, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter if it’s true, it just has to ring true.

I remember when certain Republicans-of-yore told apocryphal stories of welfare-moms who never existed, but who doubted their sincerity? I didn't think they knew it was a lie, much less thought we wouldn’t mind that it was a lie. But now a strategic decision has been made: the appearance of truth is more important than the truth itself, even when you're busted.

Are lies and futile rebuttals what will become of pubic discourse in America? Can Republican voters possibly think this is acceptable? I doubt it. So here's my battle cry: Americans '08. Let's show the bastards just how much we mind.

Favorite Quotes

“We must also act promptly to improve the health of our nation. The women of the country particularly know, in many areas there are not enough doctors or hospitals, and that many families cannot afford the medical care they need. This administration has proposed a program of improved medical care. Some parts of this program, such as an expanded health care for school children and additional aid for hospital construction have already passed the Senate.