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Cow Patties, More than Just a Texas Treasure

By Ann - Posted on 11 November 2007

Oh how I love it when I'm right...I mean correct. I'll die before I ever go right. In today's Houston Chronicle, in the Parade's Intelligence Report under Health Watch, there is an article entitled "What's Polluting Our Rivers?" The biggest culprit? I'll give you a hint...see my earlier entry "Got Milk Gas?" Yep, those big, hairy bovines that provide us with milk, butter, cheese and meat. All combined, they produce 130 times the amount of waste that the entire American population does. We are having trouble enough just taking care of the human waste. Just think, if we could convince our federal legislators to make laws that would require methane and fertilizer to be made from the 1.4 billion tons of bovine waste that is produced, we wouldn't have to worry about it going into our water. Tell your Senators how you feel at Tell them to log on to us here and get educated.
