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Paul Sadler: Cruz does not represent Texas

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Paul Sadler: Cruz does not represent Texas.

The Romney-Ryan-Akin Platform for Women

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The Romney-Ryan-Akin Platform for Women

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Elizabeth Warren: Still

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Why do women have to fight the same old battles? Women still don't get equal pay for equal work - Republicans blocked that, and even pushed a law that could have denied insurance coverage for birth control. We're still fighting to protect a woman's right to choose nearly 40 years after Roe v. Wade, and we could be just one Supreme Court justice away from losing it.

Republican Women for Obama

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Republican women share their history with the Republican Party and how the party's views are no longer aligned with their own. They don't support Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and share how Romney and Ryan are wrong for women.

As they share: "If you truly believe in a small government. That government shouldn't be deciding what I can and cannot do with my own body."

Romney & Ryan's GOP: Back to the Back Alley

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Only decades ago women suffered through horrifying back alley abortions, or they used dangerous methods when they had no other recourse. So when the Republican Party officially promotes forcing rape victims to bear the children of their attackers as part of its assault against a woman's right to choose--we had to ask:

Why is Romney & Ryan's GOP trying to send women back. . . to the back alley?

Ted Cruz = Todd Akin

24 “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down.” –Todd Akin, Republican Congressman from Missouri who is seeking the Senate nomination

Dear Democrat,

Mitt Romney and other Republican leaders calling for Todd Akin to resign his campaign need to take in more territory starting with Romney’s VP candidate and including newly minted right wing darling Ted Cruz. The only distinction between Ted Cruz, Paul Ryan and Todd Akin is that Akin put down the dog whistle and stated the policy out loud. Akin’s disgusting rhetoric matches the policies of the Republican Party.

Mitt Romney: Out of Touch and Harmful for Women's Health

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When women hear about Mitt Romney's plans for women's health -- in his own words -- they are appalled. Mitt Romney is out of touch and harmful for women's health in America. Planned Parenthood Action Fund will be making sure voters know exactly where Mitt Romney stands and will be mobilizing our more than 6 million strong network to fight for women's health come November.

Favorite Quotes

"We do not weep for him today because of the prestige attached to his name or his office. We weep because we loved this kind and tender hero who persevered through pain and tragedy, not for the sake of ambition or vanity, not for wealth or power, but only for the people and the country he loved."  from the eulogy for Senator Edward (Ted) Kennedy
