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President Obama on Wind Energy

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President Obama went on a three day bus tour through Iowa and held grassroots events in Oskaloosa, Marshalltown and Waterloo. In Oskaloosa, he shared how the wind energy industry has become an even bigger source of jobs. In Iowa alone, 20% of the state's electricity now comes from the wind.

Romney Would Knock the Wind Out of Iowa's Economy

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Here in Iowa, we're number one in wind energy jobs. But thousands of those jobs could be at risk.

That's why everyone from President Obama to Governor Branstad, and both Iowa Senators, support extending the wind energy tax credit.

Faces of Change: "Our Jobs Come from the Wind."

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President Obama's all-of-the-above energy strategy is making America more energy independent by reducing our dependence on foreign oil and investing in renewable energy. President Obama's policies have benefited small businesses like Heron Wind Manufacturing.
