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Willard Romney

Your Turn

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Mitt Romney doesn't deny he invested in companies that outsourced jobs to Mexico and China. Doesn't deny that he made a fortune when it happened. Romney only says there's "no evidence" that he was in charge at that point. But newly disclosed documents show Romney was: sole stockholder, CEO, and Chairman, when jobs were shipped overseas. Here's the evidence, Mr. Romney. Your turn to explain.

Joe Biden: The Vice President's Strengthening the Middle Class Tour

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Vice President Joe Biden was in Iowa to launch the Strengthening the Middle Class Tour. He talked about President Obama's commitment to bolstering middle-class security for Iowa families and Mitt Romney's history of shipping American jobs overseas.

Favorite Quotes

Over and over, we have been told by our opponents that bigger tax cuts and fewer regulations are the only way, that since government can’t do everything, it should do almost nothing. If you can’t afford health insurance, hope that you don’t get sick. If a company releases toxic pollution into the air your children breathe, well, that’s the price of progress.

Democratic National Convention - September 6, 2012