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The White House

President's Management Advisory Board Meeting - Part 2

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The President's Management Advisory Board meets with key government officials to discuss the accomplishments made by the board's 2012 Subcommittees on Strategic Sourcing and Improper Payments and provide a robust update on the 2011 PMAB initiatives. October 12, 2012.

President's Management Advisory Board Meeting - Part 1

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The President's Management Advisory Board meets with key government officials to discuss the accomplishments made by the board's 2012 Subcommittees on Strategic Sourcing and Improper Payments and provide a robust update on the 2011 PMAB initiatives. October 12, 2012.

Martin Sheen: Stand Up for Medicare

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Help us reach 1 million signatures telling Republican that ending the Medicare guarantee for seniors to pay for tax breaks for special interests and the wealthy is unacceptable at