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Weekly Address: Coming Together to Remember September 11th

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President Obama marks the eleventh anniversary of the September 11th attacks by remembering the innocent lives lost, and honoring the first responders and men and women in uniform who have served and sacrificed to keep our country safe.

Favorite Quotes

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am nothing.
I was a teacher of special needs children, so I can speak of the power and magic of education.
I have been married for 42 years so I can speak to President Obama's commitment to marriage equality.
I am a small business owner so I can speak to the Presidents jobs plan.
I held my 25 year old son in my arms as he died of cancer, uninsured.
I can speak to the financial devastation to families even aside from their unimaginable emotional devastation before the Affordable Health Care Act. I can speak.
It is not Obamacare. It is Obama Cares.
By choice, I live in the most racially diverse county in this state so I can speak to the Voter Rights Act.
I can speak because I have charity and love. And, like ALL Democrats, that makes me something.

Texas Democratic Convention - June 8, 2012