You are heretexas democrats
texas democrats
Every Vote Counts
The idea that one vote can't make a difference is a myth. Every vote counts and recent elections demonstrate just how big of an impact one vote can have.
I Am A Democrat
Young Latinos say why they are a Democrat
Rafael Anchia on Crisis in TX Public Schools
Texas' Republican-dominated legislature cut over $5 billion from funding that should have gone to our schools. The stories about teacher layoffs and schools closures you're seeing on your local news are the direct result. Go to to see how you can help.
Dear America - On behalf of Texas, we're sorry for Rick Perry
On behalf of Texas, we're sorry for George W. Bush. And we're especially sorry for what's coming next....Rick Perry.
The next time I tell you someone from Texas should not be president of the United States, please pay attention. - Molly Ivins