You are heresynthetic chemicals

synthetic chemicals

Indoor Pollutants

Never having children who chewed on their crib rails, window sills or rocking chairs, I could never understand the phenomenon of those children that did. I understood the danger if the items being chewed were covered in lead-based paint, but never why children preferred to chew on these dangerously painted objects.

Favorite Quotes

"It is long past the time for state leaders to confront board members who make a mockery of public education in Texas. Who is Cynthia Dunbar? She is a disgrace to public education and an embarrassment to Texas."

From a scathing editorial in the Austin American-Statesman (Friday, November 07, 2008), which condemns Texas State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar, R-Richmond, for charging that President-elect Barack Obama sympathizes with terrorists who want to destroy America.