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Texas' Rank-ings
You know, I’m still a neophyte at the nitty-gritties of politics and of the cyber-world, so you hardcore experts will have to bear with me sometimes on my learning curves. But today as I was surfing around for websites of various Democratic clubs around Texas, I came across this bit of information that was published on Jan 31, 2007. It seems that the office staff of State Senator Eliot Shapleigh (D)-El Paso annually gleans our state’s ranking among the other 49 in a variety of categories. I’m telling you, the results are pitiful and I’m embarrassed. I also think that Mr. 39 Percent, our Governor should also be mightily embarrassed. Too embarrassed I would think to even show his well-coiffed head outside his mansion, much less to have designs on national politics. Take a look at some of these beauties that I am sure have not changed much in 11 months. They are ghastly: