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Howard Dean: Let's Drive Over the Fiscal Cliff

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The so-called "fiscal cliff" refers to the expiration of the Bush tax cuts on December 31, 2012, along with a series of spending cuts that will be triggered on that same date. It is called a cliff because the change will not be gradual, but steep and dramatic.

O'Malley: Romney Has "An Economic Recipe for Disaster"

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DGA Chair Gov. Martin O'Malley on ABC's This Week, July 8, 2012.

Partial transcript:

MORAN: Well, OK, so, Governor O'Malley, this is a forward-looking program, according to Governor Jindal.

O'MALLEY: The Romney program?


Stephanie Cutter: Mitt Romney Blatantly Distorting the President's Record

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Stephanie Cutter shares how it's getting worse: not only is Mitt Romney distorting President Obama's record -- he won't tell the truth about his own record either.
