You are hereseniors


Weekly Address: Extending Middle Class Tax Cuts to Grow the Economy

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In his weekly address, President Obama says that it's time for Congress to pass the middle class tax cuts for 98% of all Americans. Both parties agree that this will give 98% of families and 97% of small businesses the certainty that will lead to growth, and so there is no reason to wait.

100% Wrong. Romney on the "47%"

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Is Mitt a "maker" or a "taker"? In the fourth Actually... video Jay Smooth digs in.

When lies go unchecked, we all lose. spreads the truth, because the truth matters—even in politics. Our team calls 'em like they see 'em, and we hope you'll support the truth by sharing videos before Election Day.

Progress for the People: Seniors

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Progress for the People: Seniors - 2012 Democratic National Convention Video

Weekly Address: Preserving and Strengthening Medicare

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President Obama speaks to the American people about the critical need to strengthen and preserve Medicare for our seniors and future generations.

Stephanie Cutter: Medicare Whiteboard

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Stephanie Cutter breaks down how the Romney-Ryan plan will end Medicare as we know it, turning it into a voucher system and making seniors pay up to $6,400 more. She also shares how President Obama is already strengthening Medicare and helping seniors save money.

Seniors Health Care Town Hall

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The White House holds a town hall to discuss the benefits of the Affordable Care Act for seniors and caregivers. June 11, 2012.


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To you and your loved ones, Medicare is personal and to a president raised by his grandparents, it's personal too. And starts with protecting your Medicare from health care scam artists who prey on seniors.
