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Senator John Cornyn
Polls Show Rick Noriega is Gaining Strength- Cornyn Increasingly Vulnerable
Today I was delighted to hear from the Rick Noriega campaign that "Yet another poll shows Rick Noriega just 4 points behind John Cornyn in the race for U.S. Senate." According to Rasmussen Reports, Noriega was closing in with 43% to Cornyn's 47%.(1) Today, the Research 2000 poll shows Noriega with 44% while Cornyn is at 48%. Rasmussen notes, "Any incumbent who polls below 50% is considered potentially vulnerable. That is especially true when a little known challenger is so competitive in an early general election match-up."
Cornyn: Uses the children he turned his back on for a photo op!
You know you have become jaded when despicable political acts are no longer cause for surprise. I may not be surprised, but I feel compelled, even though a week has passed, to hold Texas Senator John Cornyn accountable for his despicable act.
Yes, he has once again used a photo opportunity at Ripley House that serves the very children he turned his back on when he voted against expanding the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) intended to reach thousands more uninsured children like them.