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The Simpson's Mr. Burns Endorses Romney

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An election eve appeal from Montgomery Burns. Mr. Burns puts Shamus the dog to the test of choosing between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

Devo - Don't Roof Rack Me, Bro!

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Devo's Jerry Casale wants it to be known that their newest song, "Don't Roof Rack Me, Bro," isn't meant as a partisan statement -- even though it viciously mocks Mitt Romney for strapping his Irish Setter, Seamus, to the roof of his car for a 1983 family vacation.

Ry Cooder - Mutt Romney Blues

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Ry Cooder's Election Special (2012)

If You´re Voting for Mitt Romney You Will Love The Video!

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Tough Fight between Mitt Romney and his bigest ideological oponent Mitt Romney From 4 Years Ago!

Overview Video of Mitt Romney's Flip Flops

Mitt Romney on Immigration

Team Romneymobile Tracks Tricky Mitt!

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Rob of Team Romneymobile tracked "Tricky Mitt" Romney to yet another high dollar fundraiser in Pittsburgh, PA.

Find out why folks are calling Romney, "Tricky Mitt".