You are heresame


Zach Wahls Supports President Obama

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In 2011, the Iowa House had a public call on a constitutional amendment to reverse the Iowa Supreme Court decision that had legalized marriage equality. Zach Wahls gave a passionate testimony and defense of his family that was seen by millions.

Zach, a sixth generation Iowan and raised by two women, shares why marriage equality is important to him and why he supports President Obama.

Mitt Romney: Backwards on Equality

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President Barack Obama affirms his personal belief that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry, but Romney supports the first constitutional amendment to discriminate and deny rights.

Favorite Quotes

One of the most puzzling things about the debate over health insurance reform has been the religious right’s strident opposition. If the movement’s leaders didn’t constantly remind you that they are pastors and people of faith, you’d never know it from their comments about health care.

