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romney taxes

Vice President Biden at La Raza: Sound Judgment

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Vice President Biden at La Raza speech excerpt.

Why is Mitt Romney Hiding the Rest of His Tax Returns?

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Mitt Romney is defying calls to release more than one year's worth of tax returns. The Romney campaign response? "Just take our word for it." So why is Mitt Romney hiding the rest of his tax returns? How long can Romney keep information on his investments in overseas tax havens secret? And why did he do it in the first place? Time will tell.

Does Mitt Romney Have a Koch Problem?

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On Sunday, July 8th, over 200 protestors crashed the Koch Brothers' $50,000 a ticket fundraising party for their candidate, Mitt Romney. Since the Kochs are giving over a billion dollars to buy Mitt Romney the presidency, should we be worried about who Romney would represent if he takes office? Hmmmmmm.

60 segundos -- Romney y la purga

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60 segundos -- Romney y la purga


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Mitt Romney made an average $92 million per company driven into bankruptcy, while workers lost jobs and benefits. Is this the kind of leader we want as President?

Romney and Stage Stores: "Every Layoff Counts"

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Romney and his firm made $175 million while Stage Stores was driven to bankruptcy. Stores in WI, OH, PA, MI, and IA were closed. Nearly 6000 workers lost their jobs.

Team Romneymobile

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Team Romneymobile is following Mitt Romney's "Every Millionaire Counts" bus tour, and is being met at each stop by members who would be affected by Romney's economic policies that would rig the system further in favor of the 1%. And don't forget to look up, for airline banners that expose Romney as a candidate for President of the 1%, not President of the United States.


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As CEO, Mitt Romney made millions even as New Hampshire families lost everything.

Robert Reich: Why Taxes Have to Be Raised on the Rich

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Robert Reich gives a cogent and historical perspective on Why Taxes Have to Be Raised on the Rich.

Why Bain Matters

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While at Bain Capital, Mitt Romney destroyed middle class jobs to help the rich get richer. Is that what we want in a president?
