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romney tax plan

Mitt Romney: Answer Their Questions Tonight

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These American workers all have one thing in common: They've all worked for companies owned by Bain Capital. They've traveled from all over the country to gather outside the debate tonight and demand that Mitt Romney answer their questions about how he ran Bain, and how he'll run the country.

#MittMath: Tax Plan

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Romney lied about the cost of his tax plan and how or whether he could pay for it in the first debate -- and he got caught. It only works if you believe in the fairy dust known as .

President Clinton Explains Mitt Romney's $5 Trillion Tax Cut

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President Clinton explains Mitt Romney's $5 trillion tax cut and how middle class families with children will get an average tax increase of $2,000 to pay for $250,000 in tax cuts for multi-millionaires.

As President Clinton shares: "In the first debate, Governor Romney said that he wasn't really going to cut taxes on upper income people—he only wanted to cut taxes for middle class people. That's not true."

The Real Mitt Romney: Remember What He's Said Before

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During the Republican primary, Mitt Romney held a lot of town hall meetings where he explained his extremely conservative positions—the same one's he's trying to hide now because his advisors said they're electorally "suicidal."

El Mittster

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Mitt Romney told the 1 percent that he wanted to be Latino. Gee, I believe him...

Paul Ryan on Taxes

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Excerpt from the 2012 Vice Presidential Debate at Centre College in Danville, Kentucky.

Faces of Janesville: Meeting Paul Ryan

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Residents of Janesville, Wisconsin share their impressions after meeting Paul Ryan at one of his "listening sessions".

As they share: "When you talk to him he would agree with you and then for some reason when he would go to vote on the bill it was 180 degrees from what he agreed with us when you meet him face-to-face."

The Romney-Ryan Strategy: Thirsting for an Answer

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At last night's debate, we saw the essence of The Romney-Ryan Strategy: doubling down on widely, repeatedly debunked attacks.

Economic Growth

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CBS' Scott Pelley: "You made on your investments personally about $20 million last year and you paid 14% in federal taxes. That's the capital gains rate. Is that fair to the guy who makes $50,000 and paid a higher rate than you did?"

CBS' Scott Pelley: "So you think it is fair?"

Romney: "Yeah, I think it's the right way to encourage economic growth."

Voiceover: Lower tax rates for him ... than us. Is that the way to grow America?

The Real Mitt Romney

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Mitt Romney isn't being honest about his extreme positions. The real Mitt Romney will say anything to close the deal, even if it's not true. People need to know who the real Mitt Romney is, and where he stands. Because there's no hiding when you're President.

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