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Romney secret plan

Shop Around - Students Can't Afford Mitt Romney

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The Romney-Ryan education plan? Shop around, borrow money from your parents.

The Romney-Ryan plan would:

  • -Slash Pell Grants for nearly 10 million students
  • -Cut $10,000 college tax credits

Mitt Romney also hiked fees at state MA colleges by 63% as governor. "Shop around"? Students can't afford Mitt Romney.

DURBIN: "It's Time for Mitt Romney To Put Up Or Shut Up" On His Tax Returns

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DURBIN: "It's Time for Mitt Romney To Put Up Or Shut Up" On His Tax Returns

CBS, 8/19/2012

LaBolt: President Obama Strengthened Medicare, Romney Would Turn it into Vouchers

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Ben LaBolt: President Obama Strengthened Medicare, Romney Would Turn it into Vouchers

O'MALLEY: Why Won't Romney Come Out With His Tax Returns?

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O'MALLEY:  Why Won't Romney Come Out With His Tax Returns?  Meet the Press, August, 19, 2012

Kobach Says His Immigration Platform Proposals Are The Same As Romney's

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Kobach Says His Immigration Platform Proposals Are The Same As Romney's

VAN HOLLEN: Romney-Ryan Would Turn Medicare Into Vouchers, Increase Costs For Seniors

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VAN HOLLEN: Romney-Ryan Would Turn Medicare Into Vouchers, Increase Costs For Seniors

LABOLT: Romney-Ryan Ticket Is Wrong For Iowa

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LABOLT: Romney-Ryan Ticket Is Wrong For Iowa

If You´re Voting for Mitt Romney You Will Love The Video

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Tough Fight between M.Romney and his bigest ideological oponent M.Romney From 4 Years Ago !

The REAL Mitt Romney: Flip-Flopper Extraordinaire

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The REAL Mitt Romney: Flip-Flopper Extraordinaire

Favorite Quotes

Now, our friends at the Republican convention were more than happy to talk about everything they think is wrong with America, but they didn’t have much to say about how they’d make it right. They want your vote, but they don’t want you to know their plan. And that’s because all they have to offer is the same prescriptions they’ve had for the last thirty years: ‘Have a surplus?

Democratic National Convention - September 6, 2012