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romney economics
Shop Around - Students Can't Afford Mitt Romney
The Romney-Ryan education plan? Shop around, borrow money from your parents.
The Romney-Ryan plan would:
- -Slash Pell Grants for nearly 10 million students
- -Cut $10,000 college tax credits
Mitt Romney also hiked fees at state MA colleges by 63% as governor. "Shop around"? Students can't afford Mitt Romney.
For Artur Davis, It's All About Artur Davis
DNC video "For Artur Davis, It's All About Artur Davis"
Voiceover: "It's a promise that was made long ago. You work hard, pay in. Your Medicare benefits are guaranteed. But Mitt Romney would break that promise...replace your benefits with a voucher."
"Insurance companies could just keep raising rates. .Instead of a guarantee, seniors could pay sixty four hundred dollars more a year. AARP says the plan Mitt Romney supports undermines Medicare. Mitt Romney. An end to the Medicare Promise."
Want to Know Where Romney and Ryan Stand on Fair Pay, Medicare, and Women's Health?
This Saturday Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are coming to Powell, Ohio. Powell area women have questions for them on Fair Pay, Medicare, and Women's Health.
Will America's Go Back Team answer them?
The Romney Bunch
If you didn't think Mitt Romney's foray into the birther movement yesterday was evidence enough that his campaign has stooped to dog whistling to the most extreme elements in the Republican Party, just look who he's surrounding himself with in Tampa.
President Obama on the Romney-Ryan Tax Plan
President Obama was at a grassroots event in Rochester, NH to discuss middle-class economic security. President Obama has already cut taxes for a typical New Hampshire family by $4,200 over four years, helping families afford to send their children to college, buy their first home, pay for health care and child care.
Voiceover: "Now Mitt Romney is attacking the President on Medicare?"
"The non-partisan AARP says Obamacare 'cracks down on Medicare fraud, waste, and abuse' and 'strengthens guaranteed benefits'."
"And the Ryan plan?"
"AARP says it would undermine ... Medicare and could lead to higher costs for seniors...."
Stephanie Cutter: Medicare Whiteboard
Stephanie Cutter breaks down how the Romney-Ryan plan will end Medicare as we know it, turning it into a voucher system and making seniors pay up to $6,400 more. She also shares how President Obama is already strengthening Medicare and helping seniors save money.
Wisconsin Knows Paul Ryan
Wisconsin residents share their Paul Ryan experiences.
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan plan to end Medicare as we know it
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan plan to end Medicare as we know it. Now, as voters react, Romney responds by lying about the President's record on Medicare. Romney-Ryan: using bogus attacks to hide their plan to end Medicare.
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Plan to End Medicare as we know It