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romney bain
O'MALLEY: Why Won't Romney Come Out With His Tax Returns?
O'MALLEY: Why Won't Romney Come Out With His Tax Returns? Meet the Press, August, 19, 2012
The Romney Bunch
If you didn't think Mitt Romney's foray into the birther movement yesterday was evidence enough that his campaign has stooped to dog whistling to the most extreme elements in the Republican Party, just look who he's surrounding himself with in Tampa.
Kobach Says His Immigration Platform Proposals Are The Same As Romney's
Kobach Says His Immigration Platform Proposals Are The Same As Romney's
VAN HOLLEN: Romney-Ryan Would Turn Medicare Into Vouchers, Increase Costs For Seniors
VAN HOLLEN: Romney-Ryan Would Turn Medicare Into Vouchers, Increase Costs For Seniors
Wrong Direction's "Disclosure"
A parody based on One Direction's hit song, "What Makes You Beautiful".
You're insecure
Some Say a Bore
Morally bankrupt but you profited some mo - oh - ore
Outsourcing jobs
Bain cover up
Two years of tax returns really ain't enough
Everyone else on TV can see it
Everyone else but Fox News
Romney you lie to voters like no body else
One Term More!
Broadway and musical theatre performers sing from their heart with the lyrics of Don DeMesquita, in a parody of One Day More from "Les Miserables".
Thank You For The Job, Mitt Romney!
Mitt Romney: Creating jobs since 1984 ... in other countries.
Tricky Mitt
New "Tricky Mitt" TV ad hits Mitt Romney for his refusal to release his tax returns by asking: "He's not a crook, right?"
LABOLT: Romney-Ryan Ticket Is Wrong For Iowa
LABOLT: Romney-Ryan Ticket Is Wrong For Iowa
Mitt Romney y Paul Ryan: Regresándonos a las políticas fallidas del pasado
Paul Ryan es el arquitecto del presupuesto Republicano radical. Es un plan que Mitt Romney respalda.
¿Pero que impacto tendría este presupuesto en nuestro país? Las personas de la tercera edad, las familias de la clase media, y los estudiantes sufrirán. Y todo por pagar por las reducciones de impuestos de los más ricos.