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When Will Mitt Romney Stand Up to Extremism? The Clock Is Ticking
Rachel Maddow: Romney-Ryan Ticket Shares Extreme Views of Mourdock-Akin
10/28/12, NBC. Rachel Maddow: Romney-Ryan Ticket Shares Extreme Views of Mourdock-Akin
Stephanie Cutter: Romney's Never Stood Up To "Extreme Right Wing," Wouldn't As President
10/28/12, ABC. Stephanie Cutter: Romney's Never Stood Up To "Extreme Right Wing," Wouldn't As President
Strickland & Ryan: Romney's Jeep Falsehood Shows He's Desperate, Out of Touch
Romney's Zombie Apocalypse
Still undecided? Think about the future.
Please visit to support the candidate who won't bring about the zombie apocalypse.
When Poor People Attack!
In the fifth Actually... video Elon James White takes on poor people, sharks and Mitt Romney.
When lies go unchecked, we all lose. spreads the truth, because the truth matters—even in politics. Our team calls 'em like they see 'em, and we hope you'll support the truth by sharing videos before Election Day.
Romney and Republicans on Women's Health: See a Pattern?
New DNC Video: Romney and Republicans on Womne's Health: See a Pattern?