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Mitt Romney's False Welfare Reform Attack Ads

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Mitt Romney says he wants to run on the issues. But the ads he's running are false welfare reform attack ads.

Here's what the reviews are saying about these ads:


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"Seen this? Mitt Romney claiming the President would end welfare reform's work requirements?"

"The New York Times calls it 'blatantly false'."

"The Washington Post says, 'the Obama administration is not removing the bill's work requirements at all.'"

"In fact Obama's getting states to move 20% more people from welfare to work."


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Romney: flexible on welfare and the truth.

Rafalca Romney

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This ad that calls out Mitt Romney for wanting many Americans to receive worse treatment than a horse. We want Rafalca, and all our Olympic athletes, to bring home the gold, but we won't stand for Mitt Romney shipping jobs overseas. And it's great that Rafalca gets excellent care, but Mitt Romney trying to cut Americans' health care? Well, that's a horse of a different color.

Faces of Change: A Fighting Chance

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At 26 years old, Erica was denied health insurance due to a pre-existing condition. But thanks to the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) under the Affordable Care Act, health care is in Erica's hands.

Obamacare: Delivering Affordable Health Care

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I know there will be a lot of discussion today about the politics of all this, about who won and who lost. But that discussion completely misses the point. Whatever the politics, today's decision was a victory for people all over this country whose lives will be more secure because of this law and the Supreme Court's decision to uphold it.

Letters to the President: The Dreams of Our Daughters

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Dear President Obama,

I'm a mother of two young daughters: Daisy is six and Caroline is almost ten. My six-year-old would like to be a doctor for dolphins and my ten-year-old dreams of becoming a jet fighter pilot.

Caroline is so committed to her dream that she sets her alarm at 5:00 every morning so she'll be prepared for her military service.

I love that my daughters dream so big and see no limits to their future. Watching their dreams unfold everyday is one of the unique pleasures of being a mom.

Katherine Archuleta - "Why I'm Here"

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Katherine Archuleta is serving as President Obama's National Political Director for very personal reasons. At 19 years old her daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
