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President Obama on Mitt Romney's Outsourcing of American Jobs

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"We can reform our tax code in a way that is fair and responsible. Which by the way means let's stop giving tax breaks to businesses that ship jobs and factories overseas let's reward companies that create jobs and manufacturing right here in the United States of America.

Mitt Romney on US Immigration Policy: Why Won't He Give a Straight Answer?

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On Friday the President announced a change to US immigration policy. Ever since, Mitt Romney has been dodging questions about repealing the order. Why won't Mitt Romney give a straight answer?

Own Your Vote: Bootstrap Organizing

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Eric, a Neighborhood Team Leader, and John, a Spring Fellow, share what it's like being a part of this campaign.

Eric signed up in the middle of winter in 2008 and has been volunteering ever since.

President Obama Invites You to Dinner—and He's Bringing a Special Guest

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President Obama invites you to dinner—and he's bringing a special guest. Watch the video to find out who—then enter to win a seat at the next Dinner with Barack.

Two Choices: President Obama Sets Out His Vision for the Economy

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President Obama was in Ohio last week to deliver the first in a series of speeches that lay out the clear choice in this election between a vision that moves us forward and creates an economy built to last, and one that would send us backward to the failed policies of the past decade.

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Happy Father's Day from First Lady Michelle Obama

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First Lady Michelle Obama wishes a happy Father's Day to all the dads out there and shares why President Obama is a great dad.

Every solution the President puts forward is inspired by a desire all parents share: the need to build a better world for his kids.

Stephanie Cutter: Mitt Romney Blatantly Distorting the President's Record

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Stephanie Cutter shares how it's getting worse: not only is Mitt Romney distorting President Obama's record -- he won't tell the truth about his own record either.

The Neighborhood Team Model

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Our strength resided in the thousands of volunteer leaders already organizing themselves into teams across the country. This video is an introduction into the leadership roles that keep this organization running.

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Stephanie Cutter: The Romney Campaign's Double Standard

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Stephanie Cutter: The Romney Campaign's Double StandardStephanie Cutter breaks down the Romney campaign's new way of judging Mitt Romney's economic record.

Update from Jim Messina: Polls, Grassroots Organizing, Electoral Votes, and Registering Voters

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Jim Messina shares what you can tell your friends about the latest polls and why we can't lose focus on our grassroots organizing efforts.

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