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outsourcing jobs

David Rouzer: Ending Medicare, Outsourcing Jobs

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They're not leaving with American products ... they're leaving with our jobs, and bringing back foreign products.

Thank You For The Job, Mitt Romney!

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Mitt Romney: Creating jobs since 1984 ... in other countries.

Obama For America TV Ad: "Come And Go"

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Running for Governor, Mitt Romney campaigned as a job creator. "I know how jobs are created."

But as a corporate raider he shipped jobs to China and Mexico.

As Governor, he did the same thing. Outsourcing state jobs to India. Now, he's making the exact same pitch. "I know why jobs come and why they go."

Outsourcing jobs. Romney economics: It didn't work then and it won't work now.


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Mitt Romney in 2002: "I'm going to reduce taxes." As Governor, Mitt Romney did cut taxes...on millionaires like himself. But he raised taxes and fees on everyone else: $1.5 billion. Over a thousand fee hikes: On health care. On school bus rides. On milk. On driver's licenses. On nursing homes. On lead poisoning prevention. On meat and poultry inspection. On fishermen and gun owners.