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Tom Latham: Devastating

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When our jobs were shipped overseas, some people were literally left out in the cold. No retirement, no health benefits to go forward.
And I was even forced to train our replacements from India -- it was devastating.
I'll never understand why Congressman Latham voted to keep giving government contracts to companies that outsource our jobs.
Or why he takes contributions from them.

Wrong Direction's "Disclosure"

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A parody based on One Direction's hit song, "What Makes You Beautiful".

You're insecure
Some Say a Bore
Morally bankrupt but you profited some mo - oh - ore
Outsourcing jobs
Bain cover up
Two years of tax returns really ain't enough

Everyone else on TV can see it
Everyone else but Fox News

Romney you lie to voters like no body else

Tricky Mitt

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New "Tricky Mitt" TV ad hits Mitt Romney for his refusal to release his tax returns by asking: "He's not a crook, right?"

Rafalca Romney

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This ad that calls out Mitt Romney for wanting many Americans to receive worse treatment than a horse. We want Rafalca, and all our Olympic athletes, to bring home the gold, but we won't stand for Mitt Romney shipping jobs overseas. And it's great that Rafalca gets excellent care, but Mitt Romney trying to cut Americans' health care? Well, that's a horse of a different color.


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America can't afford Mitt Romney's kind of foreign policy.

President Obama Holds A Town Hall: Mitt Romney's Economic Plan

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President Obama held a town hall meeting in Cincinnati where he highlighted a new report that estimates Mitt Romney's economic plan would create 800,000 jobs in other countries, including 73,000 jobs in China. These jobs are likely to come at the expense of American workers, in cities like Cincinnati.

Joe Biden: The Vice President's Strengthening the Middle Class Tour

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Vice President Joe Biden was in Iowa to launch the Strengthening the Middle Class Tour. He talked about President Obama's commitment to bolstering middle-class security for Iowa families and Mitt Romney's history of shipping American jobs overseas.

"Two Plans"

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The choice on taxes.

Mitt Romney's plan: A twenty five percent tax cut for millionaires, tax breaks for oil companies and corporations that ship jobs overseas, but a tax hike for 18 million working families.

President Obama's plan: ask the wealthy to pay a little more so the middle class pays less, eliminate oil subsidies and tax breaks for companies that outsource."

Two plans. Your choice.

Vice President Biden at La Raza: Sound Judgment

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Vice President Biden at La Raza speech excerpt.

"The Problem"

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Mitt Romney, 10/11/2011: "The Chinese are smiling all the way to the bank ... taking our jobs and taking a lot of our future. And I am not willing to let that happen."

He made a fortune letting it happen. Newly published documents show Mitt Romney's firms were 'pioneers' at 'helping companies outsource their manufacturing' to countries including China.

Bragging they were 'A one-stop shop for their outsource requirements.'

Mitt Romney's not the solution. He's the problem.
