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President Obama on Mitt Romney's Outsourcing of American Jobs

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"We can reform our tax code in a way that is fair and responsible. Which by the way means let's stop giving tax breaks to businesses that ship jobs and factories overseas let's reward companies that create jobs and manufacturing right here in the United States of America.

First Law

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The son of a single mom. Proud father of two daughters. President Obama knows that women being paid 77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men isn't just unfair, it hurts families.

President Obama Invites You to Dinner—and He's Bringing a Special Guest

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President Obama invites you to dinner—and he's bringing a special guest. Watch the video to find out who—then enter to win a seat at the next Dinner with Barack.

Two Choices: President Obama Sets Out His Vision for the Economy

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President Obama was in Ohio last week to deliver the first in a series of speeches that lay out the clear choice in this election between a vision that moves us forward and creates an economy built to last, and one that would send us backward to the failed policies of the past decade.

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Sign Up for a Gotta Vote Early Weekend of Action

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In about 100 days, Texans will begin casting their votes for the 2012 election. The work we do this summer will determine the outcome of this race in Texas. Show your support for President Obama and other Democrats, sign up to join a Gotta Vote Early Weekend of Action event near you.

Des Moines, Iowa: A grassroots event with President Obama - full speech

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At a grassroots event on the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines yesterday, President Obama spoke to volunteers and supporters about why he's running for re-election. Thousands of Iowans lined up in the rain to get a spot inside. The President was fired up to be back in Iowa again, and he laid out the stark contrast between Mitt Romney's experience as a corporate buyout specialist and his own experience as President of the United States.

Mitt Romney: Backwards on Equality

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President Barack Obama affirms his personal belief that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry, but Romney supports the first constitutional amendment to discriminate and deny rights.

The President and First Lady Announce the 2012 Launch of Veterans and Military Families for Obama

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 President Obama: "The most humbling part of my job is serving is serving as Commander in Chief of the world's finest military. And there's nothing I take more seriously than my responsibility to those who sacrifice their own safety to defend ours. That's why Michelle and I have made supporting veterans and military families a top priority from the start."
