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Obama Cares

Only Choice

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"It's one of the hardest decisions a family can make ...realizing a nursing home is the only choice. For many middle class families, Medicaid is the only way to afford the care. But as a governor, Mitt Romney raised nursing home fees eight times. And as President, his budget cuts Medicaid by one-third. And Burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. We have a president who won't let that happen."

President Obama on the First Debate: "Romney was fact-checked by his own campaign."

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President Obama in Fairfax,Virginia on October 5th, 2012

"My opponent has a different view. The other night, he said he would repeal Obamacare as soon as he took office.

[Crowd boos] don't boo -- vote. Vote.

[Applause] vote. But then he backtracked and said, no, wait, at least that will make sure to cover folks with pre-existing conditions. Then I explained, well, actually, your plan does not do that. That his campaign had to come out and say, actually, that is not true, our plan would not do that. So Governor Romney was the fact- checked by his own campaign. That is rough. That is rough.

[Applause] Even they know his plan would take away coverage for tens of millions of Americans. Governor Romney said he would get rid of planned parenthood funding. Apparently, this, along with big bird, is a driving the deficits."

Mitt Romney Didn't Tell the Truth About Medicare

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Mitt Romney didn't tell the truth about Medicare.

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Mitt Romney's Misleading Health Care Plan

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Mitt Romney misled Americans about his health care plan.

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Mitt Romney Isn't Telling the Truth

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Mitt Romney didn't tell the truth about his tax plan, his plan for Americans with pre-existing conditions, his Medicare plan, nor the President's Medicare plan. Why would Romney not tell the truth about what he'd do as President? Because his real plans would hurt the middle class.

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Out of Luck

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New Democratic National Committee Video: Out of Luck

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Romney: "Pre-existing conditions are covered under my plan."

I have to rate that mostly fiction

Vice President Joe Biden's Post-Debate Remarks

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Vice President Joe Biden's post-debate remarks.

For all the latest from the 2012 Presidential and Vice Presidential debates. Go to:

President Obama: Fighting for People with Disabilities

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President Obama shares how people with disabilities have help shaped America to be a more accessible, inclusive and stronger country. Together we're making sure more Americans have access to quality, affordable health care and education opportunities.

There are now more investments in educational opportunities through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act which helps young adults with disabilities get the education and training they need to succeed.

We have to take care of each other

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Harold Pollack teaches health policy and public health. When his mother-in-law died suddenly eight years ago, he and his wife became responsible for his brother-in-law Vincent, who is developmentally disabled. Without help from Medicaid and Medicare they wouldn't have been able to save for their daughters' college or prepare for their future.


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Voiceover: "He says..."

Mitt Romney: "President Obama and I both care about poor and middle-class families."

Voiceover: "But this is what the budget plan Mitt Romney supports actually does. More huge tax breaks skewed to the wealthy. While cutting nearly eight hundred billion from Medicaid even though middle-class families rely on Medicaid to help loved ones cover nursing-home care. And it helps parents support children with disabilities. If Mitt Romney really 'cares' wouldn't we see it in his priorities?"
