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New Hampshire

Strong Leader

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Governor of New Hampshire, John Lynch: "What makes the President such a strong leader is that he cares about people. He understands that America should be a place of opportunity for all of our people and not just a few of our people."

"And that is why his strategy for moving our country forward is focused on investing in our workers to grow our economy and our middle class."

"President Obama has a clear vision for America, and he has the passion, the commitment, and the leadership to get the job done."

Women are Watching Bus Tour Stops in Concord, NH

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First stop on the Women are Watching bus tour: Concord, New Hampshire. Joined by Senator Jeanne Shaheen and women's health activist Sandra Fluke, hundreds gathered outside the State House in New Hampshire to protect and promote women's health.


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As CEO, Mitt Romney made millions even as New Hampshire families lost everything.

New Hampshire Women are Watching

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Favorite Quotes

"It is long past the time for state leaders to confront board members who make a mockery of public education in Texas. Who is Cynthia Dunbar? She is a disgrace to public education and an embarrassment to Texas."

From a scathing editorial in the Austin American-Statesman (Friday, November 07, 2008), which condemns Texas State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar, R-Richmond, for charging that President-elect Barack Obama sympathizes with terrorists who want to destroy America.