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President Obama Talks #My2k with The Santana Family

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President Obama visited one of the 114 million American families who would see their taxes go up next year if Congress fails to extend the middle-class tax cuts. Tiffany, a high school teacher who lives in Northern Virginia, is also one of the thousands of people who wrote in to the White House to share what it would mean to her family if their income taxes went up next year.

Talking about #My2k with the President and Vice President

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Unless Congress acts, middle-class taxes are going up on January 1. That's why President Obama is asking people to speak out, and it's why so many folks from across the country are taking him up on that request. Now we're doing everything we can to make sure those voices become part of the debate here in Washington. We're putting these stories on the front page of the White House website.

Tiffany: What $2,000 Means to My Family

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Tiffany, who lives in Northern Virginia with her husband, son and parents, talks about what paying $2,000 more in taxes next year would mean to her family. Tell us your story at

Vice President Biden Talks #My2k Over Lunch

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On Friday afternoon, seven middle-class Americans with a personal stake in Washington's "fiscal cliff" debate sat down with the Vice President at the Metro 29 Diner in Arlington, Virginia. Should Congress fail to extend tax cuts for middle-class families by the end of this year, a typical American household's taxes would go up by over $2,000.

#My2K: Tell Us What $2,000 Means to You

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President Obama calls on Americans to speak out to keep taxes from going up on middle class families. Visit: