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Mitt Romney
The GOP Threat to the Environment
If there's one issue that hasn't been talked about enough in this election, it's the environment.
After losing in 2010 for being too extreme, Tea Party candidate John Koster wants to cover up his extreme views...
Koster can't hide from the truth about his Tea Party extremism.
Tucson Survivors Demand A Plan
Survivors of the Shooting in Tucson, Arizona Demand a Plan to End Gun Violence from President Obama and Governor Romney.
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If You´re Voting for Mitt Romney You Will Love The Video
Tough Fight between M.Romney and his bigest ideological oponent M.Romney From 4 Years Ago !
If You´re Voting for Mitt Romney You Will Love The Video!
Tough Fight between Mitt Romney and his bigest ideological oponent Mitt Romney From 4 Years Ago!
Overview Video of Mitt Romney's Flip Flops
Mitt Romney on Immigration
What's Mitt Hiding?
A timeline of Romney's non-disclosure regarding Bain Capital, asking: What is he hiding?
Rafalca Romney
This ad that calls out Mitt Romney for wanting many Americans to receive worse treatment than a horse. We want Rafalca, and all our Olympic athletes, to bring home the gold, but we won't stand for Mitt Romney shipping jobs overseas. And it's great that Rafalca gets excellent care, but Mitt Romney trying to cut Americans' health care? Well, that's a horse of a different color.
Mitt Romney's Tax Returns: When Will He Come Clean?
Mitt Romney has only released one full year of tax returns. Why hasn't he released more? Is Romney willing to share any new information?