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middle class

Why Bain Matters

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While at Bain Capital, Mitt Romney destroyed middle class jobs to help the rich get richer. Is that what we want in a president?

President Obama's "To Do" List for Congress

8 President Obama has put together a "to do" list for Congress that, if acted upon quickly, will create jobs and help restore middle class security. These initiatives all have bipartisan support, and the President believes that they will help create an economy built to last that supports secure American jobs and makes things the rest of the world buys - not one built on outsourcing, loopholes, or risky financial deals.

Romney's World View

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Mitt Romney paid less taxes than many middle-class families last year. Now he wants to cut services to pay for a new $150,000 tax cut for the one percent. Are these your priorities?

2011 Save Our State Rally - Why are you here?

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On April 6, 2011, the Save Our State Rally brought together thousands of people from across the we asked them, why are you here?

The Difference Between You and a Corporation

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If you agree that we can't allow American taxpayers to be robbed by 16 international corporations who pay to manipulate our government so that we pay more, and they pay less to operate it, please use the tools you have at your disposal — your social network — to share this video and make the truth go viral.

Jim Hightower Speaks at Austin Rally

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At a rally organized only 3 days before it was held, Jim Hightower spoke to a crowd running at about 1,000 rallying in support of the union workers in Wisconsin. He spoke of saving America's middle class, Governor Goober, and getting nekkid.
