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middle class tax cuts

Weekly Address: Urging Congress to Extend the Middle Class Tax Cuts

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President Obama speaks to the American people from a busy factory floor in Pennsylvania about the urgent need to pass the middle class tax cuts, which will give families and businesses preparing for the holidays the certainty they need going into the New Year. Democrats and Republicans must come together to pass one thing that everyone agrees on—extending income tax cuts for 98 percent of American families and 97 percent of small businesses, and there is no reason to wait. The President urges Congress to take action to help grow our economy and strengthen the middle class.

Weekly Address: Extending Middle Class Tax Cuts to Grow the Economy

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In his weekly address, President Obama says that it's time for Congress to pass the middle class tax cuts for 98% of all Americans. Both parties agree that this will give 98% of families and 97% of small businesses the certainty that will lead to growth, and so there is no reason to wait.

The McLaughlins and Middle-Class Tax Cuts

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Before President Obama delivered remarks at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, he visited the home of Jason and Ali McLaughlin to discuss the need for Congress to extend the middle-class tax cuts that would prevent a tax hike on all families earning less than $250,000.