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Medicare vouchers

Steve Southerland: Changing

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Remember when a guarantee meant something?
Medicare is the promise of a guaranteed benefit, but times are changing.
Steve Southerland voted for a plan that ends Medicare's guarantee and makes seniors negotiate with insurance companies.
Under Southerland's plan, seniors would pay another $6400 per year.

Broken Promises: House Republicans Vote to End Medicare

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House Republicans promised to protect our seniors, but instead they voted to end Medicare.

House Republicans promised they would protect Medicare. They lied.

Favorite Quotes

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am nothing.
I was a teacher of special needs children, so I can speak of the power and magic of education.
I have been married for 42 years so I can speak to President Obama's commitment to marriage equality.
I am a small business owner so I can speak to the Presidents jobs plan.
I held my 25 year old son in my arms as he died of cancer, uninsured.
I can speak to the financial devastation to families even aside from their unimaginable emotional devastation before the Affordable Health Care Act. I can speak.
It is not Obamacare. It is Obama Cares.
By choice, I live in the most racially diverse county in this state so I can speak to the Voter Rights Act.
I can speak because I have charity and love. And, like ALL Democrats, that makes me something.

Texas Democratic Convention - June 8, 2012